Tag Archives: Leicester Square Theatre

Lewis Schaffer to charge £10 on Sundays.

6 Feb

12 Noon Wednesday 6 February 2013 Nunhead Heights

I will be doing a season of shows at Martin Witts’ Leicester Square Theatre on Sundays starting 3rd March 2013 ending 21 April 2013. All shows will start at 6PM except 7th April which starts at 5PM and are scheduled to last for 90 minutes. The lovely theatre will be charging £10.

See him at the Leicester Square Theatre

See him at the Leicester Square Theatre

I anticipate continuing with my free shows at the Source Below every Tuesday and Wednesday.

FLASH: Surely you must have seen Jonathan Schwab’s short film about comedy, man, and me? Click here as soon as you finish reading this. Limited time. www.vimeo.com/56954666

You are thinking: How can Lewis Schaffer charge you ten quid on Sunday when you can see him for free on a Tuesday (or a Wednesday)?

In the coming days I will answer that question in this blog. Or perhaps you can provide an answer yourself in the comment box below? Best answer wins free admission to one of my Free until Famous shows.

Lewis Schaffer’s American Guide to England

The New York comic teaches the English about England*.
Lewis Schaffer isn’t a tourist. He isn’t here on business. He’s a hostage.
*England, includes Scotland, Wales and possibly Ireland.

‘His total indifference to all things British is brilliant.’ (The Scotsman)
‘An hour of nationalistic all-American rhetoric… hilarious.’ (Chortle)
‘He can insult you and love you in the same sentence.’ (Time Out, New York)
‘Controversial…unpredictable…recommended.'(Time Out, London)
‘The new King of Soho’. (londonisfunny.com)

Leicester Square Theatre
6 Leicester Place
London WC2H 7BX
Booking: 08448 733433
Buy here: www.leicestersquaretheatre.com

Other Stuff…

@lewisschaffer – twitter feed 

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio 

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at bit.ly/londonfreeshow 

Lewis Schaffer has a Sponsor for Edinburgh 2012

19 Apr

19:00 Thursday 19 April 2012 Nunhead Heights

I can now  confirm that I have my first Official Sponsor for my Edinburgh 2012 Shows. 

Peter Goddard has made a substantial contribution to the running of “Lewis Schaffer: No, YOU Shut Up!” at the Seven Sisters and the Hive. The money was given freely with only one stipulation: That when I am asked “Who is Peter Goddard?”  or “Why is Peter Goddard sponsoring your show?” I am to reply “Peter Goddard is a nice guy.”

With this sponsorship he truly is a nice guy.

I have not had a direct sponsor since the 1990s when David Cutler and Oliver Peoples generously provided eyeglasses for me. My “Armani-ish” jackets I bought myself.

In 2008, Martin Witts, of the Leicester Square Theatre, generously brought my first solo show to Edinburgh entitled “America, the Greatest Country in the World”. He took a deep loss. 

My personal blogger, John Fleming, reported correctly in early April that Peter Goddard had said to me “Being in your show tonight was like sitting INSIDE The Office as opposed to sitting at home, watching The Office on TV. If you watch The Office on TV, you can laugh. If you were actually sitting inside The Office itself for real, you wouldn’t laugh. It would be very uncomfortable. Imagine going to a comedy club and not being sure if the comedian was David Brent or Ricky Gervais.”

I am not sure that is true but it sounds great.

A Special Thank You is given to my fellow American Karen O’Novak for thinking up the name for this year’s shows:  “Lewis Schaffer: No, YOU Shut Up!”

I asked my blogosphere for help and I got over 150 suggestions. I almost regret asking as so many were spot on! The runners up included Karen O’s “Lewis Schaffer? Really?”, “Lewis Schaffer: If Not This, Then What?” (me) and “I’m Lewis Schaffer. What is your excuse?” (Ewen McIntosh).

Others included:
“Lewis Schaffer: What Have ou Got To Lose?” (@broken_remote) “Lewis Schaffer: Still a C*nt” (Mike Belgrave), “Lewis Schaffer Doesn’t Want your Money”  (Scott Lithgow), “Lewis Schaffer: No End in Sight”, “Your Money’s Worth of Lewis Schaffer” (Scott Lithgow) and “Lewis Schaffer: What did you expect?”(Jennifer Mizdan).

My thanks go out to all but especially to Karen O’Novak who’s got a brilliant comedy mind and Peter Goddard, who’s a nice guy.


Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Source Below. Free admission. Reserve at bit.ly/londonfreeshow

London, the most generous city in the world

16 Mar

4 AM Friday 16th March 2012.

Last night I was given a free ticket to see Jackie Mason at the Wyndham Theatre on Charring Cross.  My friend, Gerard Telford, landlord at the Source Below, asked me if I had seen Jackie (I can call him Jackie because we are in the same business). I thought Gerard wanted to go with me. He is a good dude and also appears to have money. I like people with money because I don’t have any. Sadly, he bought only one ticket for me, which, I assume, was so he wouldn’t have to go with me. People with money don’t like hanging out with people who like hanging out with people with money.  Still, it was very generous of him (£25).

My alone-ness at the show reminded me of the time I showed up at my good friend Dan Naturman’s flat in New York expecting to stay the night. He sounded a reluctant host over the phone but even so I was surprised when his doorman handed me an envelope with 10 $20 bills ($200 or £140) and a note suggesting I spend the night at a hotel. We are still friends as I cannot afford to be picky.

Anyway, Jackie Mason is funny. He was even funnier in the second half after I had a cider (£3.50 or about $5). I saw him in New York in 1986 (?) and didn’t have a drink during the interval. And I didn’t have a drink after the show. I was an American then.

Jackie Mason is funny. He was so relaxed up there I thought he might die on stage. It isn’t unusual in England for comics to actually die on stage. My favourite dead English comic – if you don’t count Bob Hope – is Tommy Cooper and he died performing.  This is an indication of how horrible English audiences are.

Jackie thought the Olympics were a colossal waste of money. If the idea was to draw attention to London then that was ridiculous because “Who doesn’t know London?”  I felt a bit proud to be a Londoner, not that I have had anything to do with the notoriety of the place. I had nothing to do with the notoriety of New York, either, but I was proud of that place, too. Frankly, I am not as proud of New York as I once was as nobody from there has made the slightest effort to get me back home to New York and save me from anonymity in London. Screw them.

Had I been Jackie – and some people have described me as the broke man’s Jackie Mason because of my show “Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous” at the above-mentioned Souce Below – had I been him, I might have put at least one local reference in the act. Instead of Pittsburgh, put Sheffield. Instead of Coney Island, put Blackpool. Then let the audience know, Jackie Mason-style, that “I’m a hit. I don’t need to change the jokes for you.” But I’m quibbling.

There were a few bits of Jackie’s routine that didn’t quite translate. The English aren’t obsessed with the weather. The English talk about it a lot because they are shy and use that topic to connect with other people. There isn’t much weather in England. It is pretty much the same every day. Some cloud, some rain, some sun and a temperature range of 8c to 22c (46F to 73F). I learned this from Bill Bryson.

Americans study the weather because they – or “we”, I guess I am still an American – have real weather: Hurricanes, tornados, ice storms, blizzards, thunder, lightning, torrential rain and heat waves. These weather events come across the continent and are easily filmed. Overturned buses and trucks make good television.

English weather comes across the Atlantic and affects no one en-route. Weather is seen only as isobars on a weather map. It is not very real or interesting. And even if there were islands out there in the Atlantic, it is hard to film dampness. Not good television.

The second comedy premise that doesn’t quite work here in England is calling a straight guy “gay”. That gets a laugh in the USA because Americans believe in God, and homosexuality goes against God. That is why gay sex is so much fun in the USA and calling someone gay gets laughs. It is like saying you think a Muslim dude is a Jew. Big laughs in Tehran.

England is the gayest country in the entire world, or at least it is in my flat. In England, if you point your finger and call a dude “gay” he is likely to say “yes” or at the very least “make me an offer.” After all, they teach homosexuality in the better private schools of England, just in case one gets elected to Parliament.

After the show, I walked over to connect with Martin Witts at his Leicester Square Theatre. Leicester is pronounced “Lester” and it is a hack joke among the English how the American visitors pronounce it “Lie- cester”. It never occurs to the English that maybe, just maybe, their spelling is rubbish.

Martin gave me two glasses of wine, which I drank lustily, having decided to become an English drinker. As a reward, I guess, he arranged for me to see Joan Collins at the theatre this weekend (£45 a ticket) and forgave the debt I owed him as my producer for my Edinburgh Fringe 2008 show “America, the Greatest Country in the World”. In return I am to make a monthly contribution to the Notre Dame de France Refugee Centre, based in the church above the theatre. This was very generous of him even if he is doing very well touring the brilliant comic Doug Stanhope around England and Scotland.

In addition, comedy guru John Fleming’s funny post which was, in part, about me, was picked up by the Huffington Post. How cool is that?

All in all, a day of generosity bestowed on me.

PS I stayed with my friend Doug that night and gave Dan back his $200.


Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio.
Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London.

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Source Below. Free admission
Reserve at http://bit.ly/londonfreeshow

SO IT GOES - John Fleming's blog

John Fleming’s blog: human interest, humour, humor, comedy blog featuring eccentricity, performance, movies and occasionally a few tears

Nunhead Nags

A blog about Nunhead regeneration

Lewis Schaffer

Nunhead American Comic

SO IT GOES - John Fleming's blog

John Fleming’s blog: human interest, humour, humor, comedy blog featuring eccentricity, performance, movies and occasionally a few tears

Nunhead Nags

A blog about Nunhead regeneration

Lewis Schaffer

Nunhead American Comic